A Sherman Portfolio

Swim Lessons Survey

Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery

This is a customer survey written using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery to be used by customers to help them choose which class would work best for their child. All questions and answers have been harcoded in html. The questions will appear based on how the previous question was answered, with a predefined result for each set of responses. The survey uses the prewritten requirements, which could be used to assess a child’s swim abilities. This way, before parents call in to schedule their child for swim lessons, they can assess their child independently and use that knowledge to inform their swim lessons registration. The purpose of this survey was to reduce the number of phone calls received from confused parents and improve customer satisfaction with new procedures.

Which class should you enroll in?

Welcome back to the Swim Lesson Program at the recreation center! We are excited to get back in the water and teach the community a balance between learning how to swim and having fun. The water is a great equalizer amongst our diverse community and we want everyone to be able to enjoy the water safely. It is our mission to make sure that every person is water safe. Quality swim lessons save lives.

Take this questionnaire to find out which class to sign up for!

What is the Swimmer's name?

How old is ?

Is older than 6 months?

Can hold their head up on their own?

Is comfortable putting their face in the water on their own?

Can blow bubbles voluntarily?

Is older than 18 months?

Does show signs of wanting to swim out of your hands when in the water?

Is fearful of water?

Is able to float on their belly unassisted

Is able to do a front glide for 5 ft?

Is able to swim 5-10 ft unassisted and take one breath, then continue to swim?

Can swim 15 feet unassisted with multiple breaths?

Can comfortably swim 20 – 25 feet unassisted with multiple breaths?

Can swim 25 yards of Freestyle and Backstroke correctly, comfortably, and without assistance?

Can swim Elementary Backstroke comfortably?

Can retrieve an object from a 5 foot depth without assistance?

Can swim 50 yards of Freestyle and Backstroke?

Can swim 25 yards of Breaststroke?

Is familiar with the butterfly kick?

Can tread water using an egg beater kick?

Is comfortable submerging their face in the water?

Is able to float on their belly unassisted?

Is able to do a front glide for 5 feet?

Can comfortably swim 20 feet unassisted with multiple breaths?

Can do a back glide?

Can tread water?

Can swim 30 feet using the ½ noodle doing rainbow arms?

Can kick on their back using a kickboard or noodle for 30 feet?

Can swim 50 yards of Freestyle?

Can swim 50 yards of Backstroke?

Can swim 25 yards of Elementary Backstroke?

Can swim 100 yards of Freestyle?

Can backstroke with proper form?

Can swim 50 yards of Breaststroke?

Can swim all 4 competitive strokes with proper form and efficient technique?

Is proficient with deep water and distance swimming?

Are you fearful of the water or inexperienced?

Are you able to float on your back while kicking?

Are you comfortable standing in a depth where you are not able to stand on the pool floor?

Are you interested in training for a triathlon?

Have you done a triathlon before?

Cannot take classes yet.

For safety reasons, we currently do not offer classes for infants that are under 6 months old or cannot hold their head up on their own.

Parent Infant Beginner – Rubber Ducky

This level is a priceless parent infant bonding class that allows children to be stimulated in a new environment and eventually feel comfortable being in the water. Parents will learn to interact with their child safely in the water.

Parent Infant Intermediate – Baby Beluga

This level is a priceless parent infant bonding class, in which the infant already feels comfortable in the water. Parents will be encouraged to allow their infants to voluntarily put their face in the water and blow bubbles. An instructor will facilitate group activities that promote safe water exploration for infants.

Parent Preschool – Sea Otters

This level is designed for avid toddlers that want to explore the water more freely while still having their parents by their side. They will be introduced to important swimming and survival skills. Depending on how receptive the toddler is, they may even begin to swim short distances on their own.

Preschool 1 Beginner – Pufferfish

This level is designed to introduce the inexperienced or fearful child to the water.

Preschool 1 – Starfish

This level is designed to help students feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy the water safely. Children will learn how to enter and exit the pool, hold their breath, blow bubbles, and put their face in the water. They will also learn to float on their belly, back and learn a front glide.

Preschool 2 – Seahorse

This level introduces true locomotion skills. Children expand on their front glides to learn how to travel through the water without support. Breath control is introduced and taking a voluntary breath is practiced until mastered.

Preschool 3 – Clownfish

The objective of this level is to increase confidence and water independence. Children will learn to come up for a breath independently and rhythmically. They will become comfortable with distance and deep water swimming. Change of direction is mastered and diving to the bottom of the shallow pool to retrieve an object is introduced. Children also learn how to enter and exit from the side of the pool deck.

Preschool 3 Endurance – Penguin

The objective of this level is to develop the endurance necessary for Preschool 4. Children will practice swimming 20-25 feet with multiple breaths. Children will be introduced to side breathing with assistance, rainbow arms with assistance, and kicking on their back with assistance.

Preschool 4 – Spotted Seal

This level is introduces the three strokes – Freestyle, Elementary Backstroke, and Backstroke. Treading water, recovery to a swimming position, and change of direction is mastered.

Preschool 5 – Dolphin

The level refines the Freestyle and Backstroke technique. Endurance will increase as swimmers practice strokes in 50 yard increments. Breaststroke dolphin kicks, and treading water with an egg beater kick are introduced.

Preschool 6 – Hammerhead Shark

The objective of this level is to prepare students to join a formal swim team. The four competitive strokes are mastered: Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly. Swim team prep such as racing starts, racing dives, and flip turns, will be covered.

School Age 1 – Turtle

The objective of this level is to help students feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy the water safely. Children will learn how to enter and exit the pool safely, hold their breath, blow bubbles, and put their face in the water. They will learn how to float on their belly, float on their back, and how to do a front glide.

School Age 2 – Octopus

The objective of this level is to introduce true locomotion skills. Since children already know how to glide, they can now travel through the water with the use of their arms and legs. They will learn how to flutter kick and swim with a basic paddle stroke. They will master floating on their belly and their back. They will continue to work on their front glide and will be taught how to back glide. They will practice treading water. Breath control and taking a voluntary breath is practiced until mastered.

School Age 3 – Manta Ray

The objective of this level is to increase confidence and water independence. Change of direction and diving to the bottom of the shallow pool to retrieve an object is mastered. Students are introduced to aspects of Freestyle and Backstroke. Treading water, recovery to a swimming position, and change of direction are mastered. Water safety is achieved!

School Age 3 Endurance – Polar Bear

The objective of this level is to develop the endurance necessary for School Age 4. Students will be taught to swim Freestyle and Backstroke without assistance. They will learn how to circle swim, and how to swim with fins. They will be taught a safety stroke (Elementary Backstroke) for in the event that they are too tired to finish the lap.

School Age 4 – Crocodile

The objective of this level is to allow students to develop their natural rhythm when swimming Freestyle and Backstroke. They will become comfortable with distance and deep water swimming. Students will be taught a new stroke: Breaststroke.

School Age 5 – Killer Whale

The objective of this level is to learn 2 new strokes: Sidestroke and Butterfly. Endurance and stamina will continue to increase as students practice swimming 100+ yards of each stroke. Treading water with an egg beater kick will be taught.

School Age 6 – Great White Shark

The objective of this level is to prepare students for a formal swim team. The four competitive strokes are mastered: Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly. Swim team prep such as racing starts, racing dives, and flip turns will be covered.

Junior Adult Swim Lessons

Whether a complete beginner or an experienced swimmer, this class allows teens to comfortably learn how to swim amongst their peers. As they build their confidence, they will master breath control, learn how to float, kick with proper form, and will eventually be taught true strokes.

Adult – Beginner

This class is designed to introduce the fearful or inexperienced adult to the water. Adults will learn how to relax and feel comfortable in the water. Once a certain level of comfort is achieved adults will be taught breath control, how to float on their belly and back, glide, and then progress to a basic paddle stroke. Freestyle will be taught and practiced until mastered. Adults will also learn to float on their back while kicking.

Adult – Intermediate/ Advanced

This course covers refining Freestyle and increasing one’s endurance from 150 yards to 400+ yards of Freestyle. Adults will be taught a progression of new strokes: Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly. Adults will begin to develop more strength and power as they swim. Once the class starts swimming sets, they will learn open turns and flip turns. Water safety is achieved!

Triathlon Training – Beginner

When training for the swimming portion of a triathlon, it is important to first feel comfortable in the water. This class will not only teach you how to feel comfortable, but will provide you with enough stroke proficiency to complete any desired distance. Typically, adults are most efficient when swimming Freestyle, so that stroke will be emphasized throughout the course of the class.

Triathlon Training – Intermediate/Advanced

This course is designed to provide Triathletes with an experienced coach while they train for their next Triathlon. Long distance swimming will be emphasized while the instructor breaks down everyone’s stroke so that they swim as efficiently as possible.

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